Microeconomics and political science: an epistemological approach

Keywords: microeconomics, political science, public choice, individualism, racionality, political economy.


The main objective of this article is to demonstrate the theoretical relationship between microeconomics and political science, as well as to outline some difficulties related to the disciplines and enumerate problems of practical application. The importance of the study lies in addressing from the political economy and microeconomy, the collective decision - making that occurs in the market, the State and society. The main result of the study was to clearly portray the epistemological link between both disciplines. Thus, methodologically, the review and documentary analysis was used through academic search engines such as Scielo or EBSCOhost, to later systematize the information and meet the objectives outlined.


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How to Cite
Duarte Madrid , J. E. (2023). Microeconomics and political science: an epistemological approach. TRASCENDER, 1(1), 1-27. Retrieved from https://revistas.unsaac.edu.pe/index.php/Revtrascender/article/view/1181