Economía Circular: ¿Un nuevo paradigma en la economía? Circular Economy: A New Paradigm in Economics?

  • Roger Loyola UNALM


The Circular Economy (CE) appears as a novel proposal to have a productive system that can be less impactful to the environment. It is striking that being a concept called economics, the participation of economists is limited in this field, for this reason, its roots are presented and it is proposed how it could be integrated into the economic analysis, precisely by referring to additional restrictions that should be considered in this case. Based on bibliographic reviews, the main limitations that this type of proposal would have to be implemented are raised. Finally, the message is left that for the EC to function, it must also have its respective economic analysis


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How to Cite
Loyola , R. (2022). Economía Circular: ¿Un nuevo paradigma en la economía? Circular Economy: A New Paradigm in Economics?. Ambiente, Comportamiento Y Sociedad, 4(2), 119-134.