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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.

Author Guidelines



The aim of the Revista Ambiente Comportamiento y Sociedad is to publish original articles, short reports, reviews and meta-analyses, letters to the editor and systematic reviews that contribute to development on a local, national and international level in the different scientific fields. The journal will preferably publish unpublished research papers, which after having been approved by the scientific committee through a peer review of the journal, will be considered for possible publication, which may be in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

All papers submitted must not have been published in any other local, national or international media. Once the work has been sent, the author immediately assumes that it will be destined for evaluation and diffusion, if this is the case.

Once the scientific article is published, the author(s) transfer the copyright to the Revista Ambiente Comportamiento y Sociedad of the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco.

The scientific committee reserves the right to publish the article in the issue of the journal that it considers appropriate. In the same way, the scientific committee understands that the opinions and points of view expressed by the author or authors are of their own responsibility.


Papers can be submitted by clicking on the following link: http://revistas.unsaac.edu.pe/index.php/ACS/submissions.

The author must select the new submission option. In the home tab, complete the following information: language of submission, section, submission requirements and comments for the editor (if any). Once these details have been completed, you should review the declaration of authorship and select the option of consenting to the collection and storage of data. You can then select the option to save and continue. A box will automatically appear for uploading the submission file, you must choose the component of the article to upload the corresponding file and select the option to continue. Then, in the metadata box that will automatically appear, you must place the name of your file in the requested languages and select the save and continue option.

In the Enter Metadata tab, the author must complete the title, subtitle (if applicable), abstract and keywords. Additionally, you can add collaborators in the Author and collaborators section.

In the confirmation tab, the author will be told that his or her file is ready to be sent. He or she must select the option "finish sending" to confirm. Next, a box will appear with a confirmation question, you must choose the option Accept. This way, you will have completed the file submission process and can track your manuscript on the dashboard, in your mailing list.



The paper must be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The maximum word limit allowed by the journal must be respected, excluding abstracts, tables, figures and references: 6,000 words for "Original Articles", 3,000 words for "Short Reports", 8,000 words for "Reviews and Meta-Analysis", 1,500 words for "Letter to the Editor" and 6,000 words for "Systematic Reviews (qualitative and quantitative)".

The presentation parts of the paper should consider the following order:

The first page will be structured in the following order:

  1. Title of the paper.
  2. First surname and name of the author(s) and academic degree.
  3. Name and address of the institution.
  4. E-mail address and telephone number of the author responsible for correspondence.
  5. Acknowledgements (if any).
  6. Declaration of conflict of interest.

The second page should contain:

  1. Title of the paper (maximum 20 words).
  2. Summary with a maximum of 200 words. The summary of the original articles will be structured under the following organization:

- Introduction.

- Methods.

- Results.

- Discussion.

- References.

  1. Key words (between 3 and 8).

The third page should contain the translation and writing in English of the content of the second page: title, abstract and keywords.

Short reports should have:

- Summary (maximum 100 words).

- Short introduction.

- Text of the communication.

- Discussion and references.

- The total number of pages, including references (maximum 10), should not be more than 5 pages, written in double-spacing.

The letters to the editor will be composed of the text of the letter and the references.  They should be no longer than two pages.

IN RELATION TO TABLES AND FIGURES: They will be included after the references (each table and each figure must be on a different page), they will be numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text, and their position in the text must be specified (indicate the approximate location within the text).  The tables included must follow the criteria of clarity and simplicity. The figures should not be three-dimensional unless required by the statistical design. Extreme care should be taken not to repeat, through the tables and figures, the information (data) already contained in the text, as well as not to overlap information between tables and figures.

Whenever optional, it is advisable to use tables instead of figures.

The style of the work and the way of naming the citations and references should conform to the international standards of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th  or 7th edition, which can be consulted in the American Psychological Association's Manual of Publication Style, adapted for Spanish by Editorial Manual Moderno.

Each reference must be complete: surname and initials of the name of each author, title of the article, full name of the journal with the number of the volume and pages or city of publication of the book, name of the publisher and date of publication. However, the following minimum standards should be considered:

REGARDING REFERENCES, the author must ensure that each of the references cited must be included in the reference section, which will be in alphabetical order and will conform to the format of a book, scientific journal articles, book chapters, Internet references, public domain article, electronic journal or free database (monograph), as follows:

  1. BOOK: Surname, initials of the authors Year of publication in brackets. Title of the work in italics. Place of publication: Name of the publisher. Example: Toro, I. and Parra, R. (1997). Epistemological foundations of research and research methodology. Medellin: Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT.
  2. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ARTICLE: Surname(s), initial(s) of the name(s). Year of publication in brackets. Title of the article. Full name of the journal in italics, number of the volume in italics and number of the volume in italics, full numbers of the first and last page of the article. Example: Montero, I. and León, O.G. (2007). A guide for naming research studies in Psychology. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 7, 847-862.
  3. BOOK CHAPTER: Surname(s), initials of the name(s). Year of publication in parentheses. Title of the chapter, initials and surname(s) of the editor or compiler. Title of the book in italics. Numbers of first and last pages of the chapter. Place of publication: Name of the publisher. Example: Arnau, J. (1995). Methodology of psychological research. In M. T. Anguera, J. Arnau, M. Ato, R. Martínez, J. Pascual and G. Vallejo (eds.): Métodos de investigación en psicología, p. 23-43. Madrid: Síntesis.
  4. INTERNET REFERENCE: When this type of reference is used, the entire URL address must be included. If the addresses include author's names, they will be cited in the text in a similar way to the rest of the references and they will also be included in the reference section. If they do not include an author, they will refer to the body or association, which will be included following the correlative order according to their appearance in the text. Example: World Health Organization (2002). World Health Report 2002 - Reducing risks, promoting healthy life. Retrieved June 10, 2009 from http://www.who.int/whr/2002/en/whr02_es.pdf
  5. PUBLIC DOMAIN ARTICLE, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OR FREE DATABASE (MONOGRAPHS). When this type of reference is used, the full URL address must be included. If the addresses include author's names, they will be cited in the text in a similar way to the rest of the references, indicating the month and day next to the year, which will also be included in the reference section, following the correlative order according to their appearance in the text. Example: Lodewijkx, H. F. M. (2001, May 23). Individual-group continuity in cooperation and competition under varying communication conditions. Current Issues in Social Psychology, 6(12), 166-182. Retrieved September 14, 2001 from http://www.uiowa.edu/~grpproc/crisp/crisp.6.12.htm

References should be written in accordance with the American Psychological Association's editorial guidelines.

Links to the guidelines are shared below:



The editorial committee is responsible for sending confirmation of receipt of the file, to the main author, via the OJS system. This committee will then send the file to the journal's editorial board for evaluation and judgement on the suitability of publication.

In the event of finding observations, the committee in charge will inform the author so that, within a period of 15 days, he or she can make the suggested corrections and resubmit a new version of the work, after which its publication will be rejected.

The process of evaluation and analysis of manuscripts works as follows:

(1) Initial selection: The assistant editors of the journal review the manuscript to verify that it complies with the rules for publication on the site. At this stage, the editors only suggest to the authors adjustments to the manuscript according to the editorial criteria of the journal. The sooner the author meets the requirements, the faster the evaluation process will be. It is very important that authors are aware of the journal's format requirements. The author will be notified to make adjustments up to three times, and if the manuscript is still pending, the work will be rejected. At this stage, works will be rejected if they do not comply with the scope of the journal.

(2) Pre-analysis: the manuscript will be evaluated by the scientific committee. At this stage, certain requirements are analysed, such as compliance with the scope of the journal, originality, methodological soundness and interdisciplinary discussion. Non-compliance with the requirements may lead to the rejection of the text. The evaluation is carried out without identifying the authors and using double-blind methodology.

If the articles are approved at the pre-analysis stage, the manuscripts will be sent to the journal's associate editors. They follow the evaluation and indicate to the reviewers that they should proceed with the revision of the article.

(3) Evaluation: In this last stage, the manuscript is evaluated by a double-blind method of reviewers, in some cases, it is sent to the run-off or second round. It is very common for reviewers to suggest a number of adjustments. The sooner the author provides changes, the faster the analysis process will be.

Important: Once the manuscript is sent to the journal, it will go through all the steps described above, receiving comments or requests for correction. The fulfillment of these observations will require the authors to send new revised versions of the manuscript. Therefore, authors should send their reviews and corrections up to the day before the deadline established by the committee and communicated by e-mail to the authors.

The article approved in step 3, and accepted for publication, will be published in the current volume or the next volume, as appropriate.

The manuscript must include a declaration of no conflict of interest.


Once the article is published, the author will receive a copy in electronic format or PDF version of the corresponding issue of the Revista Ambiente Comportamiento y Sociedad.


- Title. Concise and informative. Titles are often used in information retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulas when possible.

- Authors' names and affiliations. Please indicate clearly the name and surname of each author and check that all names are spelled correctly. Present the authors' affiliations and addresses (where the work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a superscript lower case letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the corresponding address.

Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the name of the country and, if available, the telephone number of the post office in your country and the e-mail address of each author.

- Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will be responsible for correspondence at all stages of the arbitration and publication, including after publication. This responsibility includes answering any future questions about methodology and materials. Ensure that the email address is given and contact details are kept up to date by the relevant author.

- Current/permanent address. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was a "current address" (or "permanent address") it can be indicated in a footnote to that author's name. The address at which the author actually made the work should be retained as the main, affiliated address. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for these notes.


American Psychological Association: APA Style: Retrieved November 07, 2009 from: http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html.

Graham, S. (2006). Strategy instruction and the teaching of writing: A meta-analysis. In C.A. MacArthur, S. Graham and J. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Handbook of writing research, p. 187-207.

Hartley, J., Pennebaker, J. W. and Fox, C. (2003). Abstracts, introductions and discussions: How far do they differ in style? Scientometrics, 57(3), 389-98.

Murray, R. & Moore, S. (2006). The handbook of academic writing: A fresh approach. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Instituto Nacional de Salud, Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica (2010) Lima.

PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION, Pan American Journal of Public Health, Washington 2000.


Síntesis de las lecturas realizadas durante la fase de investigación documental, seguida de unas conclusiones o una discusión de información.


Los informes breves pueden limitarse a una pequeña muestra, variables limitadas o estudios piloto.


Metodología necesaria para acumular rigurosa y eficientemente los resultados cuantitativos de los estudios empíricos.


Extension incluye una discusión fundamentada, teórica, conceptual o metodología.


The review article is characterized by the selection of a specific topic from the published scientific literature, and critically proposes a perspective. Its purpose is to gather relevant information on a certain topic.

Privacy Statement

Declaración de Responsabilidad de Autoría

Los firmantes, actuando en nombre y representación propia, en calidad de autores del manuscrito [Nombre del manuscrito], el cual deseamos someter a publicación en la Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad de la Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco.


  • Que hemos contribuido directamente al contenido intelectual del manuscrito; por lo cual estamos en condiciones de hacernos públicamente responsables de él y aceptamos que nuestros nombres figuren en la lista de autores.
  • Que el trabajo es original e inédito y que no ha sido enviado o se enviará a otras revistas mientras se espera la decisión de los editores luego de cursar el proceso editorial de publicación de la Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad.
  • Que no existe conflicto de interés, en este artículo, que haya afectado la realización del mismo y que de haberlo será expresado en la sección correspondiente.
  • Que para la creación del manuscrito no se han vulnerado derechos de autor o de propiedad intelectual de terceros.
  • Que la investigación propuesta ha sido aprobada por un comité, ente u organización dedicada a velar por los derechos de los pacientes, personas o animales. Los autores declaramos haber cumplido lo estipulado en la declaración de Helsinki y el código de ética para el uso de animales en experimentación. Aceptamos que responderemos como únicos responsables por cualquier reclamo que en esta materia se pueda presentar, exonerando de cualquier responsabilidad a la “Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad”, al equipo editorial y a los revisores.
  • Que los puntos de vista expresados son responsabilidad de los autores y no de la institución en la que trabajan, de la fuente de financiación ni de la “Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad”.
  • Que como autor conservo los derechos morales, intelectuales, de privacidad y publicidad del trabajo, por lo que los contenidos son responsabilidad exclusiva del autor.
  • Que en caso de que el manuscrito sea aceptado para publicación apruebo que la “Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad” intervenga en el manuscrito (revisión, corrección de estilo, traducción, diagramación), según su pauta de preparación y edición de manuscritos y su posterior divulgación, la inclusión en índices bibliográficos o bases de datos nacionales e internacionales con fines académicos y científicos, respetando los derechos de los autores. Esto se logra mediante una licencia de uso y no a través de una cesión de derechos, lo que representa que la “Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad” se eximen de cualquier responsabilidad que se pueda derivar de una mala práctica ética por parte de los autores.
  • Autorizamos a la “Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad” la publicación en medios digitales e impresos de nuestros datos personales e identificadores digitales (nombre, dirección postal, teléfono, correo electrónico, identificador ORCID, entre otros), solo con fines académicos.

Se firma a los [XX] días de [MES] de [AÑO].


Nombre Completo

**Actividades o roles durante la ejecución de la investigación

Correo electrónico


Autor principal























































Autor de Correspondencia





**   Para indicar la participación y roles desempeñados en la investigación se debe utilizar la taxonomía CRediT propuesta en las normas de autoría. Es importante declarar de manera adecuada la labor realizada por cada investigador ya que las mismas definen si se trata de un autor o colaborador del trabajo y serán colocadas en la sección contribución de los autores en el texto del trabajo. Para el llenado de este aspecto se debe colocar en la casilla de cada autor el código o los códigos numéricos (ver tabla anexa) que indican el papel o papeles desempeñados por cada participante en el desarrollo de la investigación.

(Agregar más cuadros en caso de ser necesario. El formato debe ser llenado y firmado para posteriormente ser enviado en formato PDF conjuntamente con el manuscrito).


Taxonomía CRediT para autoría (https://casrai.org/credit/)


Rol o aporte a la investigación

Definición del rol



Ideas; formulación o evolución de metas y objetivos generales de investigación



Desarrollo o diseño de metodología; creación de modelos



Programación y desarrollo de software; diseño de programas informáticos; implementación del código de computadora y algoritmos de soporte; prueba de componentes de código existentes



Verificación ya sea como parte de la actividad o por separado de la replicación/reproducibilidad general de resultados/experimentos y otros productos de investigación.


Análisis Formal

Aplicación de técnicas estadísticas, matemáticas, computacionales u otras técnicas formales para analizar o sintetizar datos de estudio.



Realizar una investigación o proceso investigativo, desarrolla específicamente los experimentos o la recopilación de datos/pruebas.



Provisión de materiales de estudio, reactivos, materiales, pacientes, muestras de laboratorio, animales, instrumentación, recursos informáticos u otras herramientas de análisis.


Curación de Datos

Actividades de gestión para anotar (producir metadatos), resguardar datos y mantener datos de investigación (incluido el código de software, donde es necesario para interpretar los datos en sí) para su uso inicial y posterior reutilización.


Redacción-Preparación del Borrador Original

Creación y/o presentación del trabajo publicado, específicamente redacción del borrador inicial (incluida la traducción sustantiva).


Redacción-Revisión y Edición

Preparación, creación y/o presentación del trabajo publicado por parte del grupo de investigación original, específicamente revisión crítica, comentarios o revisiones, incluidas las etapas previas o posteriores a la publicación.



Preparación, creación y/o presentación del trabajo publicado, específicamente visualización/presentación de datos.


*Supervisión, Planificación y Ejecución

Supervisión y responsabilidad de liderazgo para la planificación y ejecución de la actividad de investigación, incluida la tutoría externa al equipo central.


*Administración de Proyectos

Responsabilidad de gestión y coordinación de la planificación y ejecución de la actividad de investigación


*Adquisición de Fondos

Adquisición del apoyo financiero para la ejecución del proyecto que dio origen a la publicación

*Para la revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad, los tres últimos roles por sí solos no constituyen autoría como lo especifica el ICMJE, los investigadores que posean estas funciones o roles deben haber participado adicionalmente en cualquiera de los otros roles o actividades.