Fondo de Adelanto Social y las Brechas Sociales en la Provincia de Espinar, Periodo 2019-2022


The following research was based on determining a link between the Social Advancement Fund and the social gaps in the province of Espinar, in the period 2019 to 2022, a mixed approach was applied as a methodology, that is, it was qualitative and quantitative, it was also applied, with a descriptive correlational level, as well as a non-experimental design. In order to obtain the necessary information, the inhabitants of the province of Espinar were taken into account and the sample consisted of 100 people who live in the aforementioned place, to whom a questionnaire was applied with questions related to the two variables. The most relevant findings showed that 59% of the participants indicated that the FAS is not applied in Espinar, on the other hand, 66% stated that there is a high social gap based on health, likewise, 57% of the respondents stated that the social gap focused on poverty is high, likewise, it was shown that the Sig. gave a value of 0.000 and a negative correlation of -0.776. Finally, it could be inferred that there is a relevant relationship between the Social Advancement Fund and the social gaps. In other words, when the FAS is applied in the province of Espinar, social gaps are reduced.


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How to Cite
Poblete Farfan, N. B. (2024). Fondo de Adelanto Social y las Brechas Sociales en la Provincia de Espinar, Periodo 2019-2022. Ambiente, Comportamiento Y Sociedad, 6(2), 30 - 48.