Realidad de la gestión sanitaria en tiempos de pandemia

  • felipe laquihuanaco loza Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco.
Keywords: Health management



The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented global humanitarian and health crisis, showing that health system in most nations is deficient, poorly integrated and have a limited capacity to respond to large-scale collective demands. In Perú, it generated a great detrimental multisectoral impact with greater and deeper consequences in the health system, due to late action and implementation of policies to control the accelerated spread of the virus. Health managers must have skills and abilities to synchronize aspirations and objectives of health institutions and users, through the efficient use of resources and capabilities to achieve benefits within acceptable parameters of efficiency and effectiveness.

Therefore, the eficcient administratión of health resources requires an agile and effective health management, supported by knowledge generated by research and reliable information, being the responsibility of governments and timely health strategies; that lead to decision-making in the provision of health services whit quality and equity, satisfying the needs users.   

Key words: Health management, pandemic, health services management, strategic planning.


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How to Cite
laquihuanaco loza, felipe. (2022). Realidad de la gestión sanitaria en tiempos de pandemia. Ambiente, Comportamiento Y Sociedad, 5(1), 69-77.