Conectividade com a natureza, mitigação e adaptação à mudança climática

  • Claudia Pato Universidade de Brasília


Global climate change presents itself as the greatest challenge of the century for humanity. Given the consensus of human impact on environmental problems, it is urgent to rethink our lifestyle and our relationships with the planetary life system. Studies on the human dimension of climate change have investigated people's motivations to preserve the natural environment and how much they consider themselves part of nature. They point out that the connection with nature plays an important role in the mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Taking to account the centrality of the cognitive dimension in the construction of identity and the relevance of connectedness with nature for the promotion of psychological well-being, the balance of relationships between human beings, the natural environment, and the different forms of life, becomes essential that education acts in this perspective, articulated with psychology, especially with children and adolescents, to form a sustainable generation.


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How to Cite
Pato, C. (2020). Conectividade com a natureza, mitigação e adaptação à mudança climática. Ambiente, Comportamiento Y Sociedad, 3(1), 8-15.