Competitividad y Desarrollo Sostenible en el Turismo Rural Comunitario de la Región Cusco - Año 2021


The objective of the research work is to determine the relationship between competitiveness and the sustainable development of rural tourism in the Cusco Region - 2021. To achieve this purpose, a correlational, non-experimental, applied research was developed and where the study approach is quantitative; The study population was 120 community managers, where a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 53 community managers was obtained. To collect the data, the questionnaire was used as an instrument, which was constructed from the dimensions and indicators of the study variables. Where the result of the study is that the level of competitiveness in 81.1% according to the perception of the managers is moderately competitive and 13.2% mention that the level of competitiveness is very competitive in rural community tourism; Regarding sustainable development in community rural tourism, 52.8% of managers mentioned that it is not developed at all and 17% say that sustainable development in rural tourism in the communities of the Cusco Region is very developed. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship with a value of 0.000 between competitiveness and sustainable development in rural community tourism in the Cusco Region in the period 2021, this relationship being moderate according to Kendall's Tau-b with a value of 0.412.


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How to Cite
Abarca Arrambide, R. J., Cardoso Moscoso, G. P., Astete Saavedra, F., & Venero Gibaja, R. (2024). Competitividad y Desarrollo Sostenible en el Turismo Rural Comunitario de la Región Cusco - Año 2021. Ambiente, Comportamiento Y Sociedad, 6(2), 17 - 29.