The journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad is sponsored by the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco and has been published since 2018; it publishes original and unpublished scientific research articles on topics related to environmental studies linked to behavior and society, with an interdisciplinary approach in chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture, climatology, sustainable development, health, and biodiversity. As well as technologies for adaptation and mitigation of environmental impacts, environmental quality management, environmental psychology, and society, its main objective is to inform society in general about new advances in scientific research on the topics published in the journal and to help teachers and researchers at national and international level in future research. The journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad is published twice a year: Period 1: January-June and Period 2: July-December. All original articles have passed the double-blind peer-review process performed by the authors' professional peers. The journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad is a biannual publication sponsored by the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco, Peru, which publishes original research results, short communications, review articles, and letters to the editor. All articles published in the journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. eISSN: 2709-829X Journal Statistics: View statistics Journal Portal Statistics: View statistics Reader Interactivity Services: Blog Value Added Services: Article Videos EDITORIAL POLICIESENFOQUE AND SCOPE Articles submitted to the journal Environment, Behaviour and Society must be original and unpublished scientific research on topics related to environmental studies linked to behavior and society, with an interdisciplinary focus on topics in chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture, climatology, sustainable development, health, and biodiversity. As well as technologies for adaptation and mitigation of environmental impacts, environmental quality management, environmental psychology, and society; the articles must be the intellectual property of the authors, and must not have been published or submitted to another journal for evaluation, and can be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad is published twice a year: Period 1: January-June and Period 2: July-December. The journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad adheres to the international standards and codes of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE). The journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad does not receive payment from the authors of articles for submitting their articles to the editorial process, nor does it receive payment for published articles. PEER REVIEW PROCESS Articles published in the journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad have undergone a double-blind peer-review process.

Manuscripts received for publication are submitted to a double-blind peer-review process. The manuscript is sent to two national or foreign reviewers, peers of the researchers, who make any corrections or observations that are relevant, in the event that the reviewers issue contradictory opinions, it is sent to a third reviewer. The assigned reviewer guarantees the confidentiality of the process, and will not use it for personal purposes and/or will not deliver to third parties, opinions or information that is part of the work received for evaluation. The Editorial Committee analyses the reviewers' comments and then communicates the observations to the corresponding author of the manuscript so that they can make corrections or respond to the observations made. The corresponding author will respond in writing to the reviewers' observations and according to this the Editorial Committee will decide whether the manuscript is accepted for publication, returned with the possibility of resubmission to the journal or the manuscript is definitively rejected. After the peer review process, the manuscript undergoes an editorial review and finally goes to layout. The layout version as published is sent to the authors for correction or approval. OPEN ACCESS POLICY his journal provides immediate free access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public, as long as you correctly cite within your manuscript, the article consulted, encourages greater global knowledge sharing, and therefore fully adheres to the Budapest Declaration on Open Access, whereby users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of these articles "Budapest Declaration on Open Access": https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative. org/boai-10-translations/Spanish DIGITAL PRESERVATION POLICY.

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. The published articles and metadata of the journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad are periodically stored on hard disks external to the server on which the publishing platform is installed.

DISCLAIMER. The opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board of the journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad. The mention of the trade name of certain products does not imply that the journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad endorses, recommends or prefers them to other similar products that are not mentioned.

PLAGIARISM ASSESSMENT POLICY. The Editorial Board of the journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad has established as an editorial policy that articles submitted to the journal for evaluation for publication will be subject to a plagiarism detection process and requires that all sources consulted by the author during the development of the research and preparation of the manuscript must be properly cited. With respect to the similarity with the text of the sources consulted, only articles that have up to a maximum of 30% of coincidences with other publications will be accepted, provided that such coincidence does not consist entirely of several consecutive paragraphs. Articles that exceed this percentage will be returned to the author with the corresponding report so that the author can make the respective corrections and, if the author considers it convenient, he/she can send it back to the journal Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad to evaluate its publication. A percentage greater than 30% of similarity will only be allowed when the article comes from a Degree Thesis, whose content has been adapted to the article format established in the rules for authors of the journal, and the corresponding author has indicated in the cover letter that the manuscript comes from his/her Degree Thesis.

STATEMENT OF ETHICS AND PUBLICATION MALPRACTICE It is considered as malpractice and misconduct: Sending the same manuscript to more than one scientific journal. Failure to cite the sources consulted during the development of the research work and the preparation of the manuscript submitted to the journal. Modifying or fabricating the data used and/or obtained in a research project. The inclusion as authors of persons who do not meet the international criteria for authorship. The exclusion of authors who meet the international criteria for authorship. The journal adheres to the principles and procedures dictated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)