Termotolerantes del afluente, efluente y vertimiento superan los LMP, siendo NO
APTAS para vertidos a cuerpos de agua natural, no utilizables para riego de vegetales.
De acuerdo al análisis físico-químico y bacteriológico las aguas del rio Huaro arriba del
punto de vertimiento, los valores se encuentran por debajo de los LMP, considerándose
APTA para riego; sin embargo a partir del punto de vertimiento aguas abajo a pesar de
que los valores de los parámetros fisicoquímicos están por debajo de los LMP, los
valores de Coliformes Termotolerantes son 4.5 x 10
NMP/100ml (vertimiento) y 5.4
x 10
NMP/100ml (rio Huaro), sobrepasan los LMP, siendo NO APTAS para riego
de vegetales.
PALABRAS CLAVE: lagunas de oxidación, Tratamiento de aguas residuales, riesgo
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of the oxidation lagoon for the
treatment of domestic wastewater in the town of Huaro, Quispicanchis province, Cusco
region. The characteristics and sanitary risk of the oxidation lagoon were evaluated, a
physical-chemical and bacteriological analysis was made of the effluent, effluent and
discharge wastewater, and of the water of the Huaro river (receiving body), applying the
standardized methodologies of laboratory analysis, proposed by the WHO, MINSA-
DIGESA and MINAM, the values were compared with the maximum permissible limits
according to the DS 003-2010 and D.S. 015-2015 of MINAM. It was determined that
the maintenance and operability of the oxidation lagoon is deficient, due to its proximity
to the water resource it is considered a high sanitary risk, according to the physical-
chemical analysis of the wastewater of both the affluent, effluent and discharge, the
values were found by Below the Maximum Permissible Limits (LMP) of effluents for