knowledge and misconceptions about the causes of climate change: a knowledge and misconceptions about the causes of climate change: a
cross sectional studycross sectional study
Conocimientos e ideas erróneas sobre las causas del cambio climático: Conocimientos e ideas erróneas sobre las causas del cambio climático:
un estudio transversalun estudio transversal
Recibido: 18 de Enero 2019 | Aceptado: 25 de Junio 2019
Andy Jossimar Alvarado Yepéz
& Fredy S. Monge Rodríguez
Universidad Nacional San Antonio de Abad del Cusco
Research Center Environment Behavior and Society
Knowledge of climate change is a necessary condition for the
understanding of this phenomenon and thus for the generation of
environmental behaviors, however, the knowledge of the causes is still a
debatable area regarding correct and erroneous conceptions. The present
research aims to analyses the correct knowledge and misconceptions about
the anthropogenic causes that contribute to climate change. The sample
consisted of N= 250 subjects from the city of Cusco, Peru. Regarding
the knowledge that causes climate change, it is observed that most of the
participants identify the burning of fossil fuels, the increase of carbon
dioxide, deforestation, and the fact of driving a car as the most relevant. On the
other hand, misconceptions related to climate change were toxic waste,
nuclear power plants, aerosol cans, ozone hole. In the group
analysis, signicant dierences were found with respect to occupation
(between housewives and professionals), and education (secondary and
technical level). However, gender, age and income were not signicant.
Finally, the implications of misconceptions and misconceptions on the
development of awareness of climate change risks, and levels of
engagement and participation in adaptation and mitigation strategies are
Keywords: knowledge, misconceptions, causes, climate change.
El conocimiento del cambio climático es una condición necesaria para la
comprensión de este fenómeno y por ende para la generación de
comportamientos ambientales, no obstante, el conocimiento de las causas aún
es un área discutible respecto a las concepciones correctas y erróneas. La
presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los conocimientos
correctos e ideas erróneas sobre las causas de origen antropogénico que
contribuyen al cambio climático. La muestra estuvo conformada por N= 250
Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad
. 2020, 2(2)(2), 90-105 eISSN 2709-8219X
Doi: 10.51343/racs.v3i2.582
sujetos de la ciudad Cusco, en Perú. Respecto a los conocimientos que
causan el cambio climático, se observa que la mayoría de los participantes
identica la quema de combustibles fósiles, el aumento de dióxido de
carbono, la deforestación, el hecho de conducir un coche, como lo más
relevantes. Por otro lado, las concepciones erróneas relacionadas con el
cambio climático fueron, los residuos tóxicos, las centrales nucleares,
latas de aerosol, el agujero de la capa de ozono. En el análisis de grupo, se
encontró diferencias signicativas respecto a la ocupación (entre amas de
casa y profesionales), y educación (nivel secundario y técnico). Sin embargo,
el sexo, la edad, el ingreso económico no fueron signicativos. Finalmente,
se discute las implicancias de las concepciones correctas y erróneas, en el
desarrollo de una conciencia sobre los riesgos del cambio climático, y los
niveles de compromiso y participación en estrategias de adaptación y
Palabras clave: conocimiento, ideas erróneas, causas, cambio climático.
Climate change is one of the main threats facing humanity, this
environmental phenomenon represents a complex event full of challenges (Helgenson,
Linden and Chabay, 2012; Clayton, 2019); In this sense, knowing the factors that are
associated with the degree of knowledge that people have about climate change is
essential to determine coping strategies (adaptation and mitigation) from a
participatory approach (Corona, 2018; Brugger, Morton & Dessai, 2015). Studies on
knowledge of climate change allow an approximation to the degree of understanding and
sensitivity that exists on the subject (Marino, 2011; Retamal, Rojas & Parra, 2011).
Likewise, knowing the primary causes of climate change allows us to understand
the evolution of the recognition of this phenomenon not only in the context of the
scientic community, but also in ordinary people (Camarasa & Moreno, 1994).
Considering that the concept of climate change is a collective cultural construction
(Meira, 2007), therefore, to face its negative impacts, it will be necessary to identify the
levels of understanding, participation and social consensus. In addition, the study on the
causes of climate change makes it possible to propose possible climatic scenarios,
according to sociodemographic factors (Useros, 2012, IPCC, 2008). Despite the
importance of the subject, there is still a limited role regarding the information and
knowledge that people reect on the phenomena that give rise to climate change, given
its cognitively complex nature, and which is also perceived as psychologically distant for
the most people (Clayton, 2019).
Despite growing scientic evidence, the population still does not have
objective or empirical knowledge regarding the causes of climate change (van
der linden, 2015). In addition, some people have misconceptions, which are
characterized by the tendency to combine one or more environmental problems
and link them with the causes of climate change, this is known as the green eect or
ecological beliefs (Dryden, Morgan, Bostrom & Bruine de Bruin, 2018), this is due
to a bias in the process of dierentiating the causes that give rise to environmental
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and climate change, for example, the hole in the ozone layer generated deep public
concern due to the relative ease of understanding the risk it represented, however, is not
a cause of climate change (Ungar, 2000). Another error that people present is to think
that climate change is mainly due to the natural variability of the climate system, for
example, considering natural phenomena such as the phenomenon of the child as the
cause of climate change, which is wrong, because this represents a natural variation,
such as ocean currents or wind currents (Quintero et al, 2012). According to Reynolds et
al (2010), in recent years, non-professional survey and interview responses have made
reference to natural climate variability more frequently than before (van der linden, 2015).
Regarding the causes of climate change, it is necessary to recognize those of
anthropic origin as the most relevant and that are mainly related to the greenhouse
eect, which is characterized by the large amount of gas emissions, which began with the
industrial era (Corona, 2018). In addition, some studies report that they are associated with
economic factors, for example, energy production, industry, agriculture and transportation
(Useros, 2012). Knowing how people identify these dierences to recognize the causes of
climate change could help us in the development of policies that allow us to signicantly
inuence the management of the risks that climate change implies (Leiserowitz, 2005).
The present study aims to make an approximation about the level of knowledge
and erroneous ideas about the causes and anthropogenic determinants of climate change,
it also aims to observe if there are signicant dierences between the sociodemographic
variables proposed for this study.
The sample consisted of a total of N = 250 subjects, who having decided to
participate voluntarily in the study, continued to ll out the questionnaire, the
participants are mostly women, 148 participants (59.2%), men 102 participants ( 40.8%);
the majority are in an age range of 18 to 30 years, with 163 participants (65.2%). Regarding
economic income, the majority receive an income between 600 and 1500 soles, with 115
participants (46%); the level of instruction is mainly the secondary level 97 (38.8%),
the higher technical level 65 (26%), the higher level 53 subjects (21.2%). Regarding
occupation, most have a trade (carpentry, bricklayer, etc.) 94 subjects (37.6%), 49
subjects with university profession (19.6%), housewives 61 (24.4%) and students 46
(18.4%) . Regarding the religious exercise, the majority is Catholic with 198 participants
(79.2%), then evangelical with 24 subjects (9.6%), leaving a percentage less than 10% in
the other religions, these data and more are seen in table 1:
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Table 1 Table 1
Socio-demographic characteristics
Data collection processingData collection processing
Participants were invited to ll out the survey voluntarily, lling out an informed
consent form, following the recommendations of the Helsinki protocol (Manzini, 2000),
a systematic convenience sampling was used; the data was processed in the
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programming language software in R, in its R-Studio console, a program that
allows powerful statistical processing and high visualization graphics (Grolemund &
Wickham, 2016).
Questionnaire on knowledge of the causes of climate change. Questionnaire on knowledge of the causes of climate change.
The questionnaire on knowledge of the causes of climate change is an
instrument adapted to the Cusco context, used for the rst time in Brügger, Tobias &
Monge in 2016, it is an instrument designed to analyze the level of knowledge of the
causes of climate change, comprised of 13 items of possible causes of climate change,
it has an internal consistency of .84, proving to be adequate for the study, it includes
response options from 0 to 2, where 0 = nothing, 1 = little, 2 = a lot. The scores to measure
knowledge are followed according to the recommendations in van der Linden (2015)
and in Leiserowitz, Smith & Marlon (2010), who indicate that the higher the score,
the greater the knowledge of the causes of climate change. In addition, the scale has two
dimensions, the rst is divided into 7 correct items on the causes of climate change
(driving a car, burning fossil fuels, air travel, CO2 emissions, aerosol cans, agricultural
activities such as cattle raising and deforestation) and, the second presents 6 incorrect
items (the sun, the hole in the ozone layer, the phenomenon of the child, toxic waste,
nuclear power plants, and acid rain).
Statistical ProcessingStatistical Processing
The present study makes use of descriptive statistics to determine the
levels of knowledge of cause, later, for the inferential part, it makes use of
analysis of comparison of groups through sociodemographic variables, to observe
if there are signicant dierences, through the Kruskal Wallis tests for variables with
more than 3 categories and U-Mann Whitney tests for variables with 2 categories.
Descriptive analysisDescriptive analysis
Figure 1 shows the frequencies of knowledge of the cause of climate change,
comprised of 13 items, to measure how much they know about the possible factors that
cause climate change in 3 response levels 0 = nothing, 1 = little and 2 = a lot. Regarding
the items that denote correct knowledge of the causes of climate change, item 3 “The
burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas)”, the participants indicated 84% that climate change
contributes a lot, not so, 15% who indicated that it causes little and 1% who indicated the
opposite, then, item 8 “Constant increase in CO2 emissions”, the respondents indicated
by 82% that the increase in CO2 contributes a lot as a cause of change climatic, while
16% indicate that it causes only a little, while 1% indicates the opposite; for item 13
“Deforestation (for example, the destruction of tropical forests)” the participants
indicated that deforestation causes a lot of climate change in 76%, and only 17%
indicated that it causes little, not 7% which indicates that deforestation does not cause
climate change at all; in item 1 “Driving a car”, respondents answered that it is a cause that
contributes a lot to climate change in 66%, leaving 28% who indicated that it causes little,
however, 6% indicated the opposite, it is say that driving a car does not cause climate
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change. Then, in item 9 “Aerosol cans”, the participants answered that the use of aerosol
cans causes a lot in 74%, not so 23% indicated that aerosol cans only cause a little, while
3 % indicated that it does not cause anything. It is striking that item 6 “Travel by plane"
the participants indicated that it causes a lot only in 36% and for item 11 “Agricultural
activities such as raising livestock (cows raised for meat consumption)” , the participants
indicated that it causes a lot only in 24%, being the items with the lowest report on the
causes of climate change in the questionnaire, however, van der Linden (2015) and in
Leiserowitz, Smith & Marlon (2010), indicate that These are causes of climate change,
despite this, the participants indicated that it causes little in 50% and 35%, respectively
and that it causes nothing in 14% and 41%, which denotes a lack of knowledge regarding
these two causes.
Regarding the items of erroneous knowledge or erroneous ideas about the causes
of climate change, it is striking that item 7 “Toxic waste” is the one most considered by
the participants, indicating that it is the one that most causes climate change, responding a
lot at 86%, leaving 13% who indicated that it causes little and 2% that indicates nothing;
however, this item is not a cause of climate change. For item 10 “Nuclear power plants”,
the respondents indicated that it causes a lot in 74%, leaving 21% who indicated that it
causes only a little, while 4% indicated that nuclear power plants do not cause the change
at all climate. In item 4 “The hole in the ozone layer”, respondents indicate that the hole in
the ozone layer causes a lot of climate change by 58%, while 25% indicate that it causes
little, and 18% indicate that the hole in the ozone layer does not cause climate change at
all. For item 12 “Acid rain”, 54% of respondents indicated that acid rain causes a lot of
climate change, while 34% think that only a little, and 12% indicate that acid rain is not
the cause. of climate change. In item 2 “The sun”, the participants indicated that the sun
causes much climate change only in 45%, noting a report lower than 50%, on the other
hand, 30% indicate that it causes little climate change, while that, 25% indicates that the sun
does not cause climate change. For item 5 “The phenomenon of the child”, the participants
indicate that this phenomenon causes a lot of climate change in 44%. It is remarkable
that respondents have answered that the incorrect causes of climate change exceed 44%,
wrongly indicating that they are causes, this allows observing that there are still
misconceptions about the causes of climate change that must be addressed, for their better
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Figure 1 Figure 1
Descriptive Frequencies of Climate Change Knowledge
0 = Nothing, 1 = Little and 2 = a lot; Items 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 13 represent
correct knowledge about the causes of climate change, items 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 12
represent erroneous knowledge or misconceptions about the causes of climate change.
Group analysisGroup analysis
To establish the categories of low, medium, high, we follow the recommendations
that the higher the score, the greater the knowledge of the causes of climate change, it is
important to mention that we consider only the correct items of climate change, where
the highest score is 14 indicating greater knowledge of the causes of climate change.
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Table 2 Table 2
Comparisons sex, age, income, education, trade or profession with knowledge of the
cause of climate change
* indicates p <.05. ** indicates p <.01. The Kruskal Wallis Te was used for
more than 2 groups and the U-Mann Withney for 2 groups, both for non-parametric data.
Table 2 shows that the results of group analysis, which were made using the
Kruskal Wallis tests for variables with more than 3 categories and U-Mann Whitney tests
for variables with 2 categories, all of these used for non-parametric data It is observed
that regarding the occupation (X
Kruskal Wallis (3) = 11.28, p = 0.010, ε
ordinal= 0.03);
the dierences between the group of housewives and that of university professionals
are conrmed by the Bonferroni method and a Dunn pairwise test (p<0.011); regarding
the level of education (X
Kruskal Wallis (4) = 10.25, p = 0.036, ε
ordinal= 0.04), We also
observed that there are signicant dierences, using the Bonferroni method and Dunn’s
pairwise test (p <0.045), between those at the secondary and higher technical level.
On the other hand, there are no signicant dierences regarding sex, age, income
andreligion, however, the percentages place women with greater knowledge of the
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causes of climate change in terms of sex. Regarding age, young people present a higher
percentage located between 18 and 30 years old. Respect to economic income, the
percentage of responses from the participants places people with an income of 300 to
1500 soles with better knowledge. Finally, regarding religion, the frequency is marked by
a majority Catholic population, this being the one that presents a greater knowledge of
the causes of climate change.
This research focuses on knowledge about the main causes of climate
change, from a cognitive approach, in this sense, knowledge of climate change is
considered an aspect that must be approached from cognitive indicators (Sundblad et
al., 2007; van der Linden, 2015), a clear example of this is the use of mental models.
Studies such as that of Leiserowitz, Smith & Marlon (2010), have questioned the role of
knowledge about the most outstanding cognitive factors of this phenomenon, such as
causes, eects and responses. Proper identication of these factors can contribute to
generating greater awareness among people, and on this, they would be more willing
to take actions to avoid negative impacts. The study by Kaiser & Fuhrer (2003), put
into relevance that ecological behavior depended on knowledge and that this was a
prerequisite in the approach to climate change, since people need to know what to do and
what to act against. development of various forms of knowledge; similarly, Sundblad,
Biel & Garling (2007), develop around knowledge of cause a perspective towards risk
judgments, where knowledge of the causes is a predictor of risk behavior. However, Van
der Linden (2015) indicates that the cognitive understanding of climate change remains
somewhat unclear, since the knowledge that exists is posed in a “subjective” way, that is,
from what people think it is true in the face of real evidence. In this regard, Leiserowitz
(2010), conducted a study on the causes of climate change and the misconceptions that
exist about this phenomenon, where it was observed that the participants confuse domains
such as climate variability, environmental pollution and natural climate. As such, despite
this, the author indicates that these misconceptions can generate a type of concern that
can be useful in raising awareness about climate change. On the other hand, other studies
(Huxster et al., 2015, Kahan et al., 2012) indicate that the confusion of the exact causes
of climate change can generate skepticism about the human causes of climate change,
leading to think about natural cycles as the main cause, relegating to second place
greenhouse gas emissions that are caused by man, and have an impact on climate change,
for example, a study by Monge, Tobias & Brügger (2019) , put this domain into relevance,
a study in which it is determined that more than 80% of the population studied had
knowledge of the causes of climate change, in the present study similar results are
obtained, and being precise, the respondents indicated that the waste toxic substances, the
burning of fossil fuels, and the emission of CO2 are the main causes of climate change.
According to experts, such as Leiserowitz (2010), only two are correct, that is, according
to the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (2007, 2008), the burning of fossil
fuels represents the greatest cause, as it emits a large amount of Second, greenhouse
gases (GHG), which leads to large emissions of CO2 and other gases, in this regard,
Useros (2012), when conducting a study of the causes and eects of climate change,
indicated that carbon dioxide and other gases, in addition to being the cause of
climate change, conditions the absorption, dispersion and emissions of radiation from the
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atmosphere and the energy balances of the entire climate system, which, accompanied
by human activities, are manifested in the elevation of the global temperature. Respect
toxic waste, there is no evidence that they constitute a cause of climate change,
however, our results showed that more than 80% have a wrong idea about it and indicate
that it is, it is important to clarify that waste or toxic waste has become a serious pollution
problem, but there is no evidence of causing climate change (Lopez & Sainz, 2011).
Research such as that of Malka, Krosnick & Langer (2009), & Leiserowitz et al (2005)
reinforce that misconceptions like this one (that of toxic waste, air pollution, or natural
phenomena such as “the phenomenon of the child”), may lead to increased concern and
awareness of climate change, however, misconceptions about the drivers of climate
change have increased the amount of doubt about human contributions to climate change
and have led to a lack of awareness with the risks that faces our raises, that is, those who
are skeptical about the causes of climate change, even if they have more knowledge about
the problem, show less concern.
In addition, obeying the category of correct knowledge about the causes of
climate change, we can refer that, in Semmartin, Mazzeo & Verón (2014) and in
Truelove & Parks (2012), they show results that expose a list of thirteen causes
of climate change, where the results are similar to those obtained, that is, the use of
fossil fuels, which turned out to be the most relevant item in the present study. These
results, according to the IPCC (2008), indicated that the burning of fuels and the
emission of CO2 represented 56.6% of the generation of greenhouse gases (GHG),
becoming one of the most outstanding responsible (causes) of the climate change
(Useros, 2012). However, the study has shown that the participants mistakenly put
toxic waste as the rst cause of climate change, 86% indicated they agree. Studies
such as that of Ahumada & García (2018) and that of Spence, Poortinga and Pidgeon
(2012) suggest that the contrast with scientic information may be due to psychological
distance, where experience plays a mediating role, making this result more perceptible
to public opinion, also previous studies such as Dunlap’s (1992), found similar results.
Likewise, the present research performs a group analysis, where, with respect
to the sociodemographic variables, no signicant dierences were found regarding sex,
age, income, indicating that the causes of climate change are of general domain, as
suggested in the meta-analysis by García, Iglesias & Gradaílle (2019), where they
concluded that there are no signicant dierences with respect to the conceptual
category of knowledge, also indicated that the decit of knowledge or that better
knowledge does not ensure better behavior that contributes to the environmental
crisis, indicating that the trade and the educational level are elements without signicant
dierences. However, if signicant dierences were found for the occupation variable,
between housewives and university professionals, this is similar to the study by
Truelove & Parks, 2014. Despite these results, the study by Ahumada and García
(2018), said that his study population had a lack of knowledge about the main
aspects related to climate change, indicating that they do not recognize the
causes of this topic. In this sense, we can indicate that studies on the knowledge of
climate change is a preliminary element of human behavior, allowing to observe the
level of awareness and concern about the problem (Clayton, 2019; Frometa and
Guardado, 2016), the latter it is worrying regarding the fact that studies report that
even the levels of knowledge are not ideal, for example, Parnalí, Haque & Drieger
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(2012), indicated that the current literature on public opinion and
knowledge about climate change provides considerable evidence that indicates that the
public lacks a clear understanding of the precise nature and consequences of climate
variability, which is evident from the responses of the participants in this study,
the public commonly displays a variety of misunderstandings and confusion about
the causes of climate change , where even very well-educated people tend to
conceptualize climate change issues very dierent from scientists and specialists.
Finally, it is important to highlight that having a better knowledge about the
causes of climate change will allow us to have an adequate level of risk perception and
therefore develop adaptation and mitigation capacities (van der Linden, 2015; Gonzales
and Maldonado, 2017; Lopez & Marvan, 2018). Additionally, Hugel & Davies (2019)
report that perceptions and knowledge act as a predictor of appropriate ecological
behaviors. On the other hand, it is recommended that in the face of the causes of
climate change perceived as more relevant (toxic waste, the burning of fossil fuel and the
emission of CO2) the decision makers and the political part can actuate
mechanisms to implement and educate, to reduce knowledge biases, which could lead to
misinformation. As already indicated, the correct and erroneous conceptions generate
greater confusion, and therefore less involvement towards coping actions in the face of
the negative impacts of climate change (Dryden et al., 2018), as indicated by Fischho
(2019), the educational and political strategies should be aimed at reducing the risk of
climate change, through participatory action and risk management (Slovic, 2010; Slovic
& Weber, 2002). Finally, it is important to recognize the role of perceptions, knowledge
and information, being key to generating a greater understanding of climate change and
therefore a greater commitment to strategies (van der Lin, 2015, Brúgger, Morton &
Dessai, 2015, Clayton, 2019).
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Appendix1 Appendix1
CC Awareness Scale CC Awareness Scale
Do you think the following factors contribute a lot, little or nothing to climate change?
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2020, 2(2)(2), 90-105