atmosphere and the energy balances of the entire climate system, which, accompanied
by human activities, are manifested in the elevation of the global temperature. Respect
toxic waste, there is no evidence that they constitute a cause of climate change,
however, our results showed that more than 80% have a wrong idea about it and indicate
that it is, it is important to clarify that waste or toxic waste has become a serious pollution
problem, but there is no evidence of causing climate change (Lopez & Sainz, 2011).
Research such as that of Malka, Krosnick & Langer (2009), & Leiserowitz et al (2005)
reinforce that misconceptions like this one (that of toxic waste, air pollution, or natural
phenomena such as “the phenomenon of the child”), may lead to increased concern and
awareness of climate change, however, misconceptions about the drivers of climate
change have increased the amount of doubt about human contributions to climate change
and have led to a lack of awareness with the risks that faces our raises, that is, those who
are skeptical about the causes of climate change, even if they have more knowledge about
the problem, show less concern.
In addition, obeying the category of correct knowledge about the causes of
climate change, we can refer that, in Semmartin, Mazzeo & Verón (2014) and in
Truelove & Parks (2012), they show results that expose a list of thirteen causes
of climate change, where the results are similar to those obtained, that is, the use of
fossil fuels, which turned out to be the most relevant item in the present study. These
results, according to the IPCC (2008), indicated that the burning of fuels and the
emission of CO2 represented 56.6% of the generation of greenhouse gases (GHG),
becoming one of the most outstanding responsible (causes) of the climate change
(Useros, 2012). However, the study has shown that the participants mistakenly put
toxic waste as the rst cause of climate change, 86% indicated they agree. Studies
such as that of Ahumada & García (2018) and that of Spence, Poortinga and Pidgeon
(2012) suggest that the contrast with scientic information may be due to psychological
distance, where experience plays a mediating role, making this result more perceptible
to public opinion, also previous studies such as Dunlap’s (1992), found similar results.
Likewise, the present research performs a group analysis, where, with respect
to the sociodemographic variables, no signicant dierences were found regarding sex,
age, income, indicating that the causes of climate change are of general domain, as
suggested in the meta-analysis by García, Iglesias & Gradaílle (2019), where they
concluded that there are no signicant dierences with respect to the conceptual
category of knowledge, also indicated that the decit of knowledge or that better
knowledge does not ensure better behavior that contributes to the environmental
crisis, indicating that the trade and the educational level are elements without signicant
dierences. However, if signicant dierences were found for the occupation variable,
between housewives and university professionals, this is similar to the study by
Truelove & Parks, 2014. Despite these results, the study by Ahumada and García
(2018), said that his study population had a lack of knowledge about the main
aspects related to climate change, indicating that they do not recognize the
causes of this topic. In this sense, we can indicate that studies on the knowledge of
climate change is a preliminary element of human behavior, allowing to observe the
level of awareness and concern about the problem (Clayton, 2019; Frometa and
Guardado, 2016), the latter it is worrying regarding the fact that studies report that
even the levels of knowledge are not ideal, for example, Parnalí, Haque & Drieger
Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad .
2020, 2(2)(2), 90-105